Project Overview
Gunthorpe Road solar farm will provide renewable electricity for distribution to the Walpole National Grid Substation. This project will generate energy each year of the proposed 40 years of operational life, while also providing a substantial carbon dioxide savings when compared to generation of electricity by non-renewable sources.
The proposals include battery storage which will allow energy to be stored on site at times when grid-demand is lower and exported at times of higher demand to ensure no energy is ‘lost’ and help balance the National Grid.
Comprising approximately 78 hectares of land, there are no statutory landscape, heritage or ecological designations on site, as part of our site surveys and further assessments we will be considering these matters carefully in developing our proposals for consultation.
The development forms a temporary (40 years) use of land that is easily reversed at the end of the operational life. A scheme of landscape and ecological improvements will be prepared to support the application, ensuring the project provides a biodiversity net gain.
Access to the site will be using existing field access off Gunthorpe Road with construction expected to take 7 months.