Project Timeline

Environment Impact Assessment Screening
Public Consultation

Took place on 08/09/2020.

Submission of Planning Application

Application was submitted on 12/04/2021 and can be found here  

Assessment and Determination of Planning Application

Planning permission granted


Project Overview

Bramley solar farm will provide renewable electricity for distribution to the Bramley National Grid Substation. This project would generate energy each year of the proposed 40 years of operational life, while also providing a substantial carbon dioxide savings when compared to generation of electricity by non-renewable sources.

The proposals include battery storage which will allow energy to be stored on site at times when grid-demand is lower and exported at times of higher demand to ensure no energy is ‘lost’ and help balance the National Grid.

Our previous engagement with the community during August and September 2020 enabled the development team to take on-board local feedback and look at ways of improving and enhancing the positive aspects of our scheme. In response to a number of the issues raised during the public consultation process and resident site visits, the design of the scheme was amended as follows: 

  • A new permissive footpath (c. 600m in length) along the northeast boundary of Field 2 that provides an alternative off-road route for users of Brenda Parker Way which currently have to walk on Bramley Road; 
  • A new Nature Area and proposed Forest School Community Area; 
  • The position of proposed Information Boards on public footpaths advising about solar energy and the biodiversity features of the proposals; 
  • The re-instatement of an historic hedgerow on either side of a 20m wide public footpath corridor; 
  • A new Frith Wood Approach Wildflower Avenue along the Brenda Parker Way public footpath; 
  • Removal of panels from Field 3 and replacement with woodland connectivity enhancement planting and grassland habitat; 
  • New substantial structural tree belts creating green corridors to reinforce the perception of a solar farm within a woodland setting; 
  • Boundary enhancement planting where needed to improve screening; and 
  • Pulling in of the security fencing closer to the panels to create larger zones outside of the solar panels for wildflower grassland planting. 

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