Project Timeline

Environment Impact Assessment Screening and Scoping

Requests were made of Hart District Council in July 2022 and August 2022, respectively. An Environmental Statement is being prepared.

Public Consultation

A public consultation event was held in the Crookham Hall at Zebon Community Centre, Danvers Drive, Church Crookham, Fleet, GU52 0ZE on Tuesday 21st February from 14.00 – 19.00.

Submission of Planning Application

The application has been submitted to Hart District Council. The reference number is: 23/00823/FUL.

Assessment and Determination of Planning Application

Planning permission granted in April 2024.


Expected during 2024.


Project Overview

The Proposed Development is designed to reinforce the National Grid by providing instantaneous energy balancing services. This is achieved by storing energy produced when demand is low or there is an over-supply, which can be distributed when demand increases.

A significant increase in renewable energy generation is supported by national and local planning policy and relevant material considerations, such as the UK Governments 2050 ‘net zero’ target, which will require a rapid and expanded deployment of zero and low-carbon electricity generation, supported by energy storage, if climate change is to be tackled within our lifetimes.

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